Database of undertakings in electronic communications

Updated on: 22.07.2024

This database lists all undertakings in electronic communications that were or are authorised to do a business in electronic communications (except of the provision of number independent interpersonal communications services) from 1 January 2022. The database contains the identification of the undertaking and records of electronic communications networks and services the provision of which the undertaking has notified pursuant to Section 13 of the Electronic Communications Act.

If the undertaking is authorised to do business in electronic communications before 1 January 2022, a link to the relevant record in the database "Database of undertakings in electronic communications to 31 December 2021" is available.

Go to the database of undertakings in electronic communications to 31 December 2021

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Found 1 results, viewed 1 - 1
The serial number of the certificatesort descendingOperator,Subject of business activity which was notified according to Section 13 ZEK, Note Internet s.r.o.
č. p. 26
66603 Skalička
Company ID:11638214

Provision of public communication network:
  1. Veřejná pevná komunikační síť
    • Optické vedení
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.10.2021
    • Zemská rádiová síť v licencovaném pásmu
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.10.2021
    • Zemská rádiová síť v nelicencovaném pásmu
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.10.2021
Provision of publicly available electronic communication service:
  1. Datová služba
    • Služby přenosu dat
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.06.2022
  2. Interpersonální komunikační služba
    • Interpersonální komunikační služba založená na číslech – pevná (včetně služby nomadické)
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.06.2022
  3. Pronájem okruhů
    • Pronájem okruhů
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.10.2021
  4. Šíření rozhlasového a televizního signálu
    • Šíření rozhlasového signálu
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.10.2021
    • Šíření televizního signálu
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.10.2021
  5. Služba přístupu k internetu
    • Služby přístupu k internetu – v pevném místě
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.10.2021