CALL for comments on the update of the Radio Spectrum Management Strategy

CTU invites experts and wider public to actively participate in the process of Radio Spectrum Management Strategy update. It is a document which is intended to be the next step towards efficient and sustainable utilisation of the radio spectrum for the current and future needs of the Czech Republic.

The new Strategy should support innovations, economic development and quality communications services for all citizens and undertakings in the Czech Republic.

Your comments can include proposals for specific frequency bands and areas of expertise, as well as more general principles that will contribute to the development of society, the economy, science, innovation, international cooperation or the automation of spectrum management in the future.

The current version of the document is available here /en/radio-spectrum-management-strategy.

Send your comments by 31 August 2023 to with the subject "STRATEGIE SPEKTRA". We will carefully consider them and take them into account in the strategy development process, if necessary.

Note, that this is not a public consultation, we will not publish or settle the comments received.
