European Data Innovation Board (EDIB)

The European Data Innovation Board is an advisory body to the European Commission to promote the importance of data-driven innovation and the introduction of consistent data sharing policies across the EU.

In contrast to the European board for digital services, the European Data Innovation Board includes a broader spectrum of stakeholders such as Member States' representatives for data intermediation and data altruism, the European Data Protection Board, the European Data Protection Supervisor, the EU Cyber Security Agency (ENISA), the European Commission and the EU Commissioner for SMEs, as well as other representatives of relevant stakeholders selected by the European Commission through a call for experts. The Czech Republic is represented in the Board by CTU in its capacity as the competent authority for data intermediation services and registration of data altruism organisations, and CTU´s  activity in relation to the Data Act Regulation is also envisaged in the future.

The Board meets regularly and plays a supportive and coordinating role in sharing best practices, setting priorities or proposing guidelines for data sharing in the European Union. In addition to the plenary meetings, there exists also a sub-group of competent authorities within the Board, which deals with data sharing issues at working level, e.g. on the interpretation of the definitions set in the Regulation.

In addition to work on implementing regulations, delegated acts and general exchange of views in the international context, the Board also follows the work in standardisation bodies such as ETSI or ITU, in view of its commitment to creating a comprehensive standardisation environment for data issues. The Board normally meets four times a year, twice in person in Luxembourg, where the relevant Secretariat of the European Commission is based.
