Database of undertakings in electronic communications to 31. 12. 2021

Updated on: 31.12.2021

This database lists all undertakings in electronic communications that were authorised to do a business in electronic communications (except of the provision of number independent interpersonal communications services) as of 31 December 2021 or earlier. The database contains records of electronic communications networks and services the provision of which the undertaking has notified pursuant to Section 13 of the Electronic Communications Act.

If the undertaking was or is authorised to do business in electronic communications from 1 January 2022, a link to the relevant record in the database "Database of undertakings in electronic communications from 1 January 2022" is available.

Go to the database of undertakings in electronic communications from 1 January 2022

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Found 4568 results, viewed 147 - 148
The serial number of the certificatesort descendingOperator,Subject of business activity which was notified according to Section 13 ZEK, Note
151IBS - Engineering s.r.o.
č. p. 132
76901 Martinice

Company ID:26894513
Start date of the business activity: 18.07.2005

Find in new database valid since 1. 1. 2022

Provision of public communication network:
  1. Veřejná pevná komunikační síť
    • Rádiová v pásmu
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.07.2005
Provision of publicly available electronic communication service:
  1. Služby přístupu k internetu
    • V pevném místě
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.07.2005
  2. Veřejně dostupná telefonní služba
    • Pevná nomadická - přenos hlasu přes IP s využitím negeografických čísel
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 10.06.2007
Close activities:
Provision of publicly available electronic communication service:
  1. Služby přístupu k síti Internet
    • Přístup k síti internet
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.07.2005
      The undertaking has notified the end of this business activity to (date) 22.12.2016
152TGCom, s.r.o.
Ledvinova 1714/12
14900 Praha 4
Company ID:27224775
Start date of the business activity: 18.07.2005

Podnikatel oznámil ukončení podnikání v elektronických komunikacích ke dni 01.01.2011

Close activities:
Provision of publicly available electronic communication service:
  1. Ostatní hlasové služby
    • Přenos hlasu přes IP
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 15.10.2005
      The undertaking has notified the end of this business activity to (date) 01.01.2011
Provision of non-public electronic communication service:
  1. Ostatní hlasové služby
    • Přenos hlasu přes IP
      The undertaking has notified the start of this business activity to (date) 01.01.2008
      The undertaking has notified the end of this business activity to (date) 01.01.2011

