Conditions and procedures according to Civil Works Act

Conditions and procedures according to Act on zone planning and the building code for purposes of deploying elements of high-speed electronic communications networks

According to Section 79(2)(j) of the Building Act, antennas up to height of 8 metres including their structures and related electronic communications equipment placed on land and buildings shall not require either the decision on the location of the construction, or the zone permit. Fulfilment of the obligations set out in Section 104 of the Electronic Communications Act cannot be avoided. As regards these types of the constructions (if the earth works are required) the constructor is obliged to find out information on existence of underground constructions of the technical infrastructure and ensure their protection.

According to Section 103(1)(e) point 4 of the Building Act, the intentions to construct the aboveground and underground communications line, antennas, antennas masts, including supporting points of the aboveground communications line and pegging points of the underground communications line, phone boxes and connecting communications lines of the electronic communications network and  relating communication equipment including electrical power supply connections, except the buildings shall not require either the permit to construct or notification to the building authority and can be given permission (as per their extent and type of the equipment) on the basis of:

  • the zoning consent
  • the zoning permit on the location of the construction
  • the common permit
  • the public contracts
  • the regulatory plan subject to and to an extent in which it replaces the zoning permit.

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