PRESS RELEASE: CTU Annual Report 2023: We consume 10 GB of data per month in average

Prague, 15 May 2024 – CTU published the Annual Report for 2023 summarising its activities last year and providing a basic description of the market situation. The total volume of mobile data transferred in 2023 reached almost 1.35 thousand PB and its year-on-year growth can be estimated at approximately 43%. The average monthly data usage per mobile data SIM card reached 9.8 GB - up from 7 GB in the previous year. In 2023, CTU focused on the preparation of anti-spoofing measures, the auction of DAB frequencies, and the first ever subsidy call for improving the signal on trains. We also worked hard on the new agenda related to the role of the national Digital Services Coordinator, we were involved in the preparation of several laws or amendments to them, and last but not least, we carried out a review of the postal market. This became the basis for the announcement of a selection procedure for a new postal licence holder.

During the year 2023, in cooperation not only with operators, we analysed technical and organisational ways to achieve a reduction of fraudulent spoofing in the Czech Republic. At the end of the year, we presented a proposal for specific measures in the form of new conditions in General Authorisation No. VO-S/2/07.2005-10. Read more here.

The tender for granting of the rights to use radio frequencies for digital radio broadcasting networks (DAB) was launched in the summer and an electronic auction was held in the autumn. The auctioned frequency blocks were allocated/divided among all 8 participants. The auction was successfully concluded in February 2024 with the granting of block allocations to all 8 successful participants. The basic conditions are aimed at the rapid development of broadcasting networks to cover the population, territories and motorways. Read more here.

On the basis of the delegation agreement, we have prepared a proposal for a subsidy call "Technical means for 5G in railway coaches", the aim of which is to improve the availability and quality of mobile services also inside train coaches. Read more here.

In connection with the exercise of the new agenda arising from Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 of the European Parliament and of the Council (P2B Regulation) and in preparation for the CTU's future takeover of other digital agendas (the DSA and the DGA), we established a Specialized Agenda Supervision Unit on 1 January 2023. At the same time, we have been preparing for our future role as national Digital Services Coordinator.

We have carried out a comprehensive review of the postal market and a preparation of the associated documents required for the consultation on the intention to impose an obligation to provide universal services for the period from 2025 under the new postal licence. 

The activities of the Telecommunications Academy also continued. Our lecturers delivered the highest number of lectures since the Academy launched its activity, with a total of 95 lectures. Their recipients were 2051 seniors and now also 144 juveniles. The Telecommunication Academy has expanded its activities and focused its lectures on low-threshold centres for children and youth, schools, etc.

English translation of the Annual Report 2023 will be published soon.

Tereza Meravá
Czech Telecommunication Office
