PRESS RELEASE: Czech Telecommunication Office has launched price and quality comparison tool of electronic communications services

Prague, 1 March 2021 – On 1 March 2021 CTU has launched the price and quality comparison tool of electronic communications services. Consumers can compare prices and parameters of calls, SMS and mobile internet. Since 1 April 2021 also fixed calls and internet services and paid TV are added to the comparison. Until May 2021, comparison tool is in pilot operation.​

Clear information on parameters and prices must be entered into the comparison tool by the providers of these services (operators, undertakings). They are also responsible for their correctness. The service is free of charge and non-commercial. CTU created and operates the comparison tool based on the obligation laid down by the Electronic Communications Act.

Based on provided parameters (amount of consumption, type of contractual obligation required, address in case of a fixed service, etc.) consumers can individually choose the most suitable available service, while service providers can verify how competitive their offers are compared to other undertakings. More dynamic development of electronic communications market through the pressure of well-informed consumers on service providers shall be the main aim of the comparison tool.

I believe price and quality comparison tool of electronic communications services will contribute to further improve the position of consumers on the market. Service providers will be motivated to faster modifications of their offers and thus to develop more competitive environment,“ stated CTU Council Chair Ms. Hana Továrková.

More information is available on where you can also try to use the comparison tool.   


Press Unit
Czech Telecommunication Office
Tereza Meravá
