Press releases

28. 5. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: By adopting new general authorisations, the CTU Council supported higher efficiency of shared use of radio spectrum
26. 5. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: CTU enables continuation of local and regional television broadcasting
25. 5. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: The government extended CTU Council member’s mandate
20. 5. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 05/2020
23. 4. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 04/2020
17. 4. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: CTU calls attention to technical changes in mobile operators’ 2G/GSM networks
7. 4. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: CTU decided to extend the public consultation on draft conditions of the 5G auction
30. 3. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: As from April, changing an operator will be faster and cheaper
20. 3. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: CTU encourages postal services and ECS providers during current critical situation
19. 3. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 03/2020
19. 3. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Joint Statement from the Commission and BEREC on net neutrality during the current critical period
16. 3. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: CTU launched public consultation on conditions of the Tender for 5G networks frequencies
16. 3. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Limited operation of CTU
9. 3. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: The Government appointed a new member of CTU Council
3. 3. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: CTU introduced draft auction conditions
25. 2. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: The CTU Council Chair is not in a conflict of interest
19. 2. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 02/2020
28. 1. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: CTU notified on the recovery of net costs for provision of universal postal services
15. 1. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 01/2020
3. 1. 2020
PRESS RELEASE: Report from CTU’s Council Meeting in Week 51, 2019
20. 12. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 12/2019
20. 11. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 11/2019
16. 10. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report 10/2019
18. 9. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 9/2019
16. 9. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Hackathon linked open data to intriguing applications
15. 8. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report 08/2019
24. 7. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Meeting Report of the Council of CTU from Week 30, 2019
12. 7. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 07/2019
26. 6. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: CTU launched a public consultation of conditions of the auction of frequencies for 5G networks
19. 6. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 6/2019
14. 6. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: CTU dealt with comments to the mobile market analysis
22. 5. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 5/2019
21. 5. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: CTU has published the 2018 Annual Report
17. 4. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: Monthly Monitoring Report No. 04/2019
18. 3. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: CTU has dealt with comments from operators regarding the principles of planned auction in 700 MHz and 3,5 GHz bands
11. 3. 2019
PRESS RELEASE: BEREC published Guidelines on intra-EU communications
16. 10. 2018
Press release: Report on the Development of Electronic Communications Market
22. 11. 2017
Press Release: MoQoS scored in the Egovernment The Best 2017
18. 9. 2017
Hackathon of state administration was held in Prague on 15 and 16 September
11. 7. 2017
Press release: Frequencies in 3,7 GHz band will be granted to 2 current and 2 new operators
13. 3. 2017
PRESS RELEASE: CTU and AT&T are hosting the second V4 Hackathon
17. 5. 2016
PRESS RELASE: Netmetr is not a service for Internet fans only

