Price and quality comparison tool

About the comparison tool

The price and quality comparison tool is operated by CTU and is used by consumers to compare the parameters of electronic communications services (i.e. calls, SMS and mobile data services; calls at a fixed location, internet access at a fixed location and TV). Clear information on the parameters and prices of services is mandatorily entered directly by the providers of these services (operators, businesses). They are also responsible for their accuracy. The service is free and non-commercial.

Consumers can individually choose the most suitable available service on the basis of the parameters they set, while service providers can check how competitive their offers are compared to other undertakings. The aim of the comparison tool is therefore also to make the development of the electronic communications market more dynamic through the pressure exerted by informed consumers on service providers, faster adjustment of offers and thus the development of a competitive environment.

The tool is able to evaluate the specified parameters by an algorithm that takes into account, among other things, statistical data or e.g. the way calls are charged (so-called tariffication). It can thus provide accurate and reliable results. The results do not include bundled services with their own price (usually lower than the sum of prices of separately subscribed services). This is due to the large variability and number of such combinations, which would place excessive demands on the amount of information transmitted to the CTU providers. However, if the undertaking also provides the services included in the comparison tool as part of bundled services, links are provided for these services directly to the relevant undertaking's website where users can consult them.

Users of the comparison tool who encounter inaccurate or outdated information on any of the services displayed have the option to report it using the online form provided by the comparison tool. CTU will investigate the reported problem and, where justified, remedy it.


CTU has created and operates the comparison tool on the basis of Section 66a of the Electronic Communications Act, which lays down CTU's obligation to publish in a manner allowing remote access a free of charge independent comparison tool that allows comparison and assessment of various publicly available electronic communications services in terms of prices for the services provided and their quality.

The information on prices and quality parameters that the comparator compares and evaluates is not entered by the CTU. Pursuant to Section 66a(4) of the Electronic Communications Act, this information must be provided by undertakings offering the relevant services included in the comparison tool. The scope, manner and form of their submission are set out in Decree No 582/2020 issued by CTU to implement the provisions of Section 66a(5) of the Electronic Communications. According to this decree, operators are obliged to enter information on services into the system of the comparison tool no later than one month after their change, including information on the availability of services provided at a fixed location at individual address points. The information on the geographical availability of services displayed in the comparison tool may contain a certain degree of inaccuracy. Decree No 582/2020 allows an undertaking to report a service as available in the whole street, municipality, urban district or city district (for statutory cities and the capital city of Prague) if they are able to provide the service at 75 % of the address points of the territorial unit within 30 days of the consumer ordering the service. The actual availability of the service must therefore always be verified first with the relevant provider in case of interest in ordering the service. CTU draws information on address locations from the Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estate (RÚIAN), which is administered by the Czech Office of Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre.

Registration of new users of obliged undertakings and login to the administration

Representatives of undertakings that are obliged to submit information on the services provided to the comparison tool can register a new user account on the website After registration, the user will receive a generated form in pdf format from CTU to the e-mail address provided, which will be sent back to CTU by one of the following methods:

  • From the undertaking's data mailbox to the CTU´s data mailbox: a9qaats, the subject of the message states "Comparison tool"
  • Signed with a recognised electronic signature of a person authorised to act on behalf of the undertaking to:, the subject of the message states "Comparison Tool"
  • In printed form, with a certified signature of the person authorised to act on behalf of undertaking, to CTU, Economic Regulation Department, P.O.Box 02, 225 02, Prague 02

CTU will then activate the registered user account, of which the user will receive an e-mail message. The user logs into the administration at
