Database of postal services operators from 1. 1. 2024

Updated on: 27.07.2024

Go to the database of postal services operators to 31 December 2023.

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Found 1 results, viewed 1 - 1
The serial number of the certificateProvider who has fulfilled the notification obligation according to Section 18 Paragraph 1 of the Postal Services ActProvided postal servicesScope of collectionScope of delivery
5Česká distribuční k.s.
Na Rovince 879
72000 Ostrava

Company ID:26791692
Date of initiation of the postal service licence: 28.03.2013 *)
Find in old database valid to 31. 12. 2023
Listovní zásilky
Adresné reklamní zásilky - vnitrostátní


Hradec Králové



Česká republika
