
The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is a group of European regulators which replaced the European Regulators Group for electronic communications networks and services (ERG). BEREC was established by Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009, which was replaced by Regulation (EU) 2018/1971 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2018 establishing the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) and the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office), amending Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1211/2009.


Main aim of BEREC is to achieve the objectives of the EU Regulatory Framework for electronic communications, especially mutual cooperation among National Regulatory Authorities.


BEREC is managed by the Board of Regulators which is composed of 28 heads of National Regulatory Authorities. The Commission, the EFTA Surveillance Authority and the States that are candidates for accession to the EU may attend the BEREC meetings as observers (members without voting rights). The Czech Republic is represented by the CTU Council Chair.

The work of BEREC is based on knowledge of individual regulatory authorities. Their experts participate in specialized expert Working Groups (WGs) in accordance with the BEREC Annual Work Programme where projects for a given year are set. The umbrella for the work of WGs is provided by Contact Network (CN) which is composed of representatives of NRAs, Commission and EFTA Surveillance Authority. The Contact Network serves also as efficient communication channel for ad hoc questions among NRAs.

Administrative support to BEREC is provided by the Agency for Support for BEREC (BEREC Office), with premises in Riga. The Office was established as a Community agency with legal personality.

Published guidelines

To ensure a consistent application of the EU regulatory framework, BEREC issues guidelines according to regulations and directives issued by the European Parliament and the Council. These include the European Electronic Communications Code (Directive (EU) 2018/1972) or the Open Internet Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2015/2120).

BEREC published the following guidelines:

BoR (17)114 Wholesale Roaming Guidelines
BoR (17)56 Retail Roaming Guidelines
BoR (19)35 Guidelines on intra-EU communications (updated in March 2020)
BoR (19)238 Guidelines on the minimum criteria for a reference offer relating to obligations of transparency
BoR (19)259 Guidelines for the notification template pursuant to article 12, paragraph 4 of Directive 2018/1972
BoR (20)46 Guidelines on Common Approaches to the Identification of the Network Termination Point in different Network Topologies
BoR (20)42 Guidelines to assist NRAs on the consistent application of Geographical surveys of network deployments
BoR (21) 32 Guidelines on Geographical surveys of network deployments. Article 22 (2), 22 (3) and 22 (4)
BoR (21) 82 Guidelines on Geographical surveys of network deployments. Verification of information.
BoR (24)42 Guidelines detailing Quality of Service Parameters
BoR (20)50 Guidelines on common criteria for the assessment of the ability to manage numbering resources by undertakings other than providers of ECN or ECS and of the risk of exhaustion of numbering resources if numbers are assigned to such undertakings
BoR (20)115 Guidelines on how to assess the effectiveness of public warning systems transmitted by different means
BoR (16)127 Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation
BoR (22)81 Updated Guidelines on the Implementation of the Open Internet Regulation
BoR (23)164 Guidelines on Very High Capacity Network
BoR (20)225

Guidelines on the Criteria for a Consistent Application of Article 61 (3) EECC

BoR (20)232

Guidelines to foster the consistent application of the conditions and criteria for assessing new very high capacity network elements (Article 76 (1) and Annex IV EECC)

BoR (22) 72

Net Neutrality Regulatory Assessment Methodology

Public consultations

12. 6. - 26.7.  Public consultation on the draft BEREC Opinion on the national implementation and functioning of the general authorisation, and on their impact on the functioning of the internal market

12. 6. - 23. 8. Public consultation on the Draft BEREC Report on M2M and permanent roaming

12. 6. - 26. 7. Public consultation on the draft BEREC Report on the IP Interconnection ecosystem


Plenary and Contact network meetings take place four times a year. 


Register of documents:

