Business in electronic communications

Electronic Communications Act imposes the obligationon natural and legal persons who intend to perform communication activity which constitutes business activity in electronic communications,  with the exception of the provision of interpersonal number-independent communication services, to notify CTU of this in writing in advance according to Section 13 of the Electronic Communications Act. The authorisation to carry out business in electronic communications, with the exception of the provision of number-independent interpersonal communication services, arises pursuant to Section 8 of the Electronic Communications Act on the date of delivery of the notification of business. 

Business activity in electronic communications

Business activity is understood to be systematic activity performed independently by an undertaking in its own name and on its own responsibility for the purpose of achieving profit. Business activity in electronic communications is as follows:

  1. provision of public communication networks;

a public communication network means an electronic communications network used wholly or mainly for the provision of publicly available electronic communications services, and which supports the transfer of information between network termination points, or an electronic communications network through which a service distributing radio and television broadcasts is provided

an electronic communication network means transmission systems and, where applicable, switching or routing equipment and other facilities, including network elements which are inactive and which permit the conveyance of signals by wire, by radio, by optical or by other electromagnetic means, including satellite networks, fixed circuit-switched or packet-switched networks and mobile terrestrial networks, electricity cable systems, to the extent that they are used for the purpose of transmitting signals, networks used for radio and television broadcasting and cable television networks, irrespective of the type of information conveyed

the provision of electronic communication network means the establishment, operation or supervision of such a network, or making it accessible

  1. the provision of electronic communication services

an electronic communication service means a service normally provided through electronic communications networks for remuneration,  excluding services that provide content transmitted by means of electronic communications networks or exercise editorial control over this content, which consist following types of services:

  1. Internet access service
  2. Interpersonal communication service
  3. Services consisting wholly or mainly in the transmission of signals, such as transmission services used for the provision of machine-to-machine communication and for radio and television broadcasting.

The terms and conditions of providing public communication networks and allocated resources are laid down in general authorisation no. VO-S/2/07.2005-10 (unofficial consolidated version), laying down the conditions for the provision of public communications networks and associated facilities, as amended. The terms and conditions of providing electronic communication services are laid down in general authorisation no. VO-S/1/07.2005-9 (unofficial consolidated version), laying down the conditions for the provision of public communications networks, as amended. All general authorisations can be found here.

Telecommunication licences and certificates of registration issued according to Act No. 151/2000 Coll. on telecommunications and amending certain other acts, as amended, expired on 1st September 2005.
