Data obtained from the obliged authorities an the obliged persons

Set of minimum data on physical infrastructure

The Act provides that the CTU collects minimum data sets obtained either by its own official activities or provided by obliged persons and that it publishes these data in a manner allowing remote access (cf. Sections 6(2) and 7(2) in connection with Section 3(2) of the Act).

The publication of information about minimum data sets is a signal to potential authorised persons that data from a given location is already available to the CTU.

CTU can´t publish the minimum data set itself, as its provision requires the authorised person to prove the legitimacy of the scope of the requested data for its planned project. The minimum data sets can only be provided on the basis of submitting an application.

More detailed information can be found in the section Conditions and procedures.

Data provided on construction works

Section 11(2) of the Act sets an obligation on the obliged person to provide data on planned or ongoing construction works financed from public funds and related to physical infrastructure to the authorised person upon their application. This provision also imposes an obligation on the obliged person to provide the same data to CTU.

The provision of information to CTU allows the obliged person to refuse further applications from other authorised persons (Section 12(2)(b) of the Act). For this reason, CTU publishes information from which locations and from which obliged persons it already has information.

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