Types of certificates

  1. General certificate for radio operator of an aeronautical mobile service – VFL
    (to operate aircraft stations, aircraft Earth stations, aeronautical stations and aeronautical Earth stations)
    [in the application select choice (a)]
    Exam questions (version 12/2022)     Content of oral exams
  2. Restricted certificate for radio operator of an aeronautical mobile service – OFL
    (to operate aircraft stations, aircraft Earth stations or aeronautical stations running on frequencies allocated exclusively to aeronautical mobile service or aeronautical mobile satellite service, if the station handling lies only in operation of simple external handling features. No flight operation services can be provided during operation of aeronautical stations. The certificate is valid only in the Czech Republic.)
    [in the application select choice (b)]
    Exam questions (version 12/2022)
         Content of oral exam
  3. General certificate for operator of a maritime mobile service - GOC
    (to operate ship stations and coastal stations running on very high frequencies GMDSS on SOLAS ships (with condition of mandatory GMDSS system equipment). The certificates is issued in compliance with ITU's Radio Regulations, Decision CEPT ERC/DEC(99)01 and STCW Convention 1978 as amended (provision IV/2). Usually, this certificate is demanded by (future) professional marine officers, who need to undergo a special practical training in controlling communication technologies under GMDSS system and prove vocational or technical education.)
    [in the application select choice (c)]
    Exam questions (version 12/2022)     Content of oral exams
  4. Restricted certificate for operator of a maritime mobile service - ROC
    (to operate stations with GMDSS system in very high frequencies on SOLAS ships (with condition of mandatory GMDSS system equipment). Usually, this certificate is demanded by (future) professional marine officers, who need to undergo a special practical training in controlling communication technologies under GMDSS system and prove vocational or technical education.
    [in the application select choice (d)]
    Exam questions (version 12/2022)   Content of oral exams
  5. General certificate for radio operator of a mobile radiotelephony service for maritime mobile service and inland waterways – VFN
    (to operate ship or coastal stations in inland waterways or to operate ship stations of maritime mobile service which does not use GMDSS frequency bands. The certificate is designated for operation of older radio stations without DSC controller. VFN certificate holder is authorised to operate radio stations in all maritime mobile service bands.)
    [in the application select choice (e)]
    Exam questions (version 12/2022 valid until 30 September 2023) (version 09/2023 valid from 1 October 2023)  Content of oral exams incl. Annex - English texts
  6. Restricted certificate for radio operator of a maritime mobile service – OFP
    (to operate ship stations in maritime mobile service up to 20 nautical miles from low-water mark recognized by coastal state using only very high frequencies, without using GMDSS system features, if the stations handling lies only in controlling simple external handling features. The certificate is designated for operation of older radio stations without DSC controller.)
    (Note: From 1 September 2019, this certificate replaces the previous restricted certificate for radio operator of a mobile radiotelephone service for mobile maritime service in coastal waters and inland waterways - OFN, for navigation in costal sea waters.)
    [in the application select choice (f)]
    Exam questions (version 12/2023)   Content of oral exams

  7. Certificate for terrestrial operator – TEL
    (to operate radiotelephone stations in high frequencies. Includes practical exam from telegraphy.)
    [in the application select choice (g)]
    Exam questions Guidelines for exams from telegraphy
  8. HAREC certificate for class A operator (with international validity)
    (to operate amateur service stations in all selected bands using the maximum allowed power.)
    [in the application select choice (h)]
    Exam questions (version 3/2022)
  9. NOVICE certificate for class N operator (with international validity)
    (to operate amateur service stations in selected bands for this operator’s class with maximum allowed power of 10 W.)
    [in the application select choice (i)]
    Exam questions (version 03/2022)
  10. General certificate for operator of a maritime mobile service – LRC
    (to operate marine stations using all GMDSS system frequency bands on non-SOLAS ships (voluntary selection from GMDSS features, including DSC system - a standard equipment on most of ship radio stations), which does not have to be equipped with GMDSS system. The certificate is issued in compliance with ITU's Radiocommunication rules and Recommendation CEPT ERC/REC 31-05. Applicants must undergo special practical training in controlling communication technologies exclusive for LRC in GMDSS system. LRC certificate is designated for operation of modern ship radio stations equipped with GMDSS features (DSC controller, INMARSAT device, EPIRB buoy, NAVTEX, SART) in all maritime mobile service bands.)
    [in the application select choice (j)]
    Exam questions (12/2022)     Content of oral exams incl. Annex - English texts
  11. Restricted certificate for operator of a maritime mobile service - SRC
    (to operate ship stations using very high frequency bands of GMDSS system used voluntarily, on non-SOLAS ships (GMDSS features also includes DSC system - equipment of VHF ship stations), without need to be equipped with GMDSS system. The certificate is issued in compliance with the ITU's Radio Regulations and Recommendation CEPT ERC/REC 31-04. Applicants must undergo special practical training in controlling communication technologies exclusive for SRC in GMDSS system. SRC certificate is designated for operation of modern ship radio stations equipped with DSC controller (most of ship radio stations) and the holder is also trained to use other GMDSS features (EPIRB buoy, NAVTEX, SART). This certificate is valid in Europe and  can be also used for operation of ship stations in inland waterways.)
    [in the application select choice (k)]
    Exam questions (version 02/2023)      Content of oral exam incl. Annex - English texts  
    List of accredited training centres for SRC operators      Further information from Ministry of Transport 
  12. Restricted certificate for radio operator of inland waterways – OFV
    (to operate ship or coastal stations in inland waterways within radio telephone service, if the station handling lies only in controlling simple external handling features. OFV certificate can be used for operation of ship stations in inland waterways of RAINWAT member states, i.e., also in the Czech Republic or foreign inland waterways.)
    (Note: From 1 September 2019, this certificate replaces the previous restricted certificate for radio operator of a mobile radiotelephone service for mobile maritime service in coastal and inland waterways - OFN, for navigation in foreign inland waterways.)
    [in the application select choice (l)]
    Exam questions (09/2023)

    Templates of the professional competence certificates to operate radio transmitting equipment (09/2023)
