PRESS RELEASE: CTU has renewed frequency block allocations and set out an obligation to cover white areas with mobile signal and to improve it in corridors

Prague, 1 July 2024 - In view of the approaching expiry of the radio frequency block allocations of O2 Czech Republic a.s. and T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s. in the bands 900 and 1800 MHz, the CTU Council Chairman has decided, on the basis of the conclusions of the review and their public consultation, including the consultation of an expert valuation, to issue new radio frequency block allocations in the above-mentioned frequency bands to both companies in accordance with the procedure under Section 20(7) of the Electronic Communications Act. The decision, inter alia, imposed obligations on them to cover the so-called white areas with mobile signals and to further improve the quality of the mobile signal on the railway corridors.

During the public consultation and in the follow-up period, CTU received submissions from more than 100 municipalities/cities requesting some of their districts to be included in the list of insufficiently covered residential units. For the purpose of selecting white areas to meet the specified coverage obligation, CTU identified the basic list for both mobile operators directly in the decision on the granting of radio frequencies block allocation. In addition, CTU has published a supplementary list (the so-called open list), to which it will gradually add, after carrying out the relevant verification measurements, additional municipalities/basic residential units for which it will confirm the actual poor quality of mobile signal coverage in the following period on the basis of the complaints received.

Both companies have to cover at least 200 white areas (basic residential units) separately, where coverage must be improved by putting a new base station (site) into operation. At the same time, they have been mandated to cover at least 300 more white areas where they can use and share passive infrastructure with other block allocation holders for the purpose of additional coverage.

At the same time, CTU has set an obligation to significantly improve the quality of the mobile signal of 5G networks on all transit corridors, with the exception of the corridor included in the subsidy programme of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This measure follows another CTU activity, which was the announcement of a subsidy call for the equipment of railway coaches with technical devices to improve the availability of mobile services inside the coaches.

Tereza Meravá
Czech Telecommunication Office 

